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HomeMedical DevicesCOVID-19Nitric Oxide Delivery

Nitric Oxide Delivery



Portable Nitric Oxide Delivery Device

Nu-Med Plus Inc has developed an inexpensive, portable nitric delivery device that could be potentially used as an adjunct therapy for Covid-19. Nitric oxide has been used as a successful adjunct therapy for SARS-Cov. Similarity in genomic structure would indicate that it could be effective on patients with Covid-19. The device consists of a pressurized source of nitric oxide and a means to provide a diluted inhaled dose to a patient through a non-rebreather face mask. Nu-Med is offering this device for use in a phase 1 clinical trials only.


Inhalation of nitric oxide in the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome: a rescue trial in Beijing …, P Liu, H Gao, B Sun, D Chao, F Wang… – Clinical infectious …, 2004 –
Inhalation of nitric oxide (NO) improved arterial oxygenation and enabled the reduction of inspired oxygen therapy and airway pressure support in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). In addition, chest radiography showed decreased spread or density of lung infiltrates, and the physiological effects remained after termination of inhaled NO therapy. These findings suggest not only a pulmonary vasodilator effect of inhaled NO, but also an effect on SARS.

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